7 Reasons to Add Live Chat Technology to Your Senior Living Website

  • 2 September 2021
7 reasons to add live chat technology to your senior living website

Signing a contract to move into a senior living community is an emotional decision for seniors and their loved ones. Everyone involved in making a decision has questions and concerns during the sales cycle. Seniors and their families aren’t relying on one in-person visit to make decisions about care. They often turn to online channels to gather information before making a commitment.

Communication resources like Live Chat can help your community navigate these online conversations any time of the day, freeing up your team to deliver an incredible tour experience and personalized follow-ups. Read on to find out the seven reasons why our clients find Live Chat to be such a valuable addition to their sales and marketing efforts. 

1. Live Chat Offers 24/7 Communication

Not every senior living inquiry is happening within business hours. A 24/7 live chat team can help address questions for your community day and night. The team can act as an extension of your sales team, ensuring you respond to customers when your team isn’t available. As more research occurs after hours, live chat can help your community capture prospect opportunities outside of business hours and encourage prospects to further engage with your team via a tour or phone call.

2. Live Chat Improves Response Time

Our Live Chat team’s average response time is five seconds. Even when sales teams are onsite during business hours, their response times to website inquiries aren’t likely to be as fast as a Live Chat team. On-site teams’ first priority is responding to in-person requests. They are often away from their desk, giving live tours, busy hosting prospect events or focused on processing contracts and following up with prospects. Most staff don’t respond immediately to requests that come through websites via contact forms or email, which can lead to a missed opportunity. A dedicated live chat team can provide instant feedback and capture a prospect’s interest before they move on to contacting another community. 

3. Engage Prospects Earlier in the Customer Journey

Unlike scheduling a tour, placing a phone call, or walking into a building, Live Chat offers prospects an engaging and lower commitment opportunity to speak to someone about your community. This anonymous and convenient communication channel can make prospects in the information-gathering process, who may not be ready to set an appointment with a salesperson, more comfortable asking questions, increasing prospect engagement at the top of the funnel. After speaking with a live chat representative, this type of prospect may be more likely to move on to the next stage in the customer journey.

4. Live Chat Teams Deliver More Empathetic Experiences

Intelligent bots can be great for answering super-simple questions. In the senior living space, most prospects are looking for solutions to difficult and emotional situations. They are seeking advice and information about a decision that will have a big impact on their loved ones. Unlike the robotic nature of bots, real people can answer questions empathetically, read between the lines when prospects are asking sensitive questions, and offer caring and reassuring answers to difficult questions. This helps humanize your senior living community and enables you to develop deeper relationships with prospects.

5. Higher Lead Conversion Rate

Our team’s average prospect-to-lead conversion rate is over 75%. Website visitors who engage in a Live Chat conversation are more likely to give their contact information than any other engagement. By securing contact information before the conversation ends and asking if the prospect would like to be followed up with, Live Chat teams warm up prospects for the onsite sales team. 

6. Better Lead Qualification 

Live chat conversations can be recorded and easily passed along to onsite sales teams. The back-and-forth conversational nature of Live Chat allows teams to gather relevant information quickly. A trained live chat team can incorporate lead qualification questions more naturally in a conversation than a bot or prompt by timing the questions to align with the stage of interest of the prospect. This can increase your sales team’s chances of having more valuable conversations with prospects, increasing your chances of converting a lead to a move-in.

7. Brings Value Beyond Lead Generation and Sales

While Live Chat offers an incredible opportunity to convert prospects into leads, appointments, and sales, its full value is larger than these offerings alone. Live chat can act as a customer service tool, helping residents’ families find information, an HR tool, connecting prospective employees with staff members and addressing job inquiries, and a translation tool by translating prospect and customer inquiries communicated in foreign languages. It truly acts as another resource for your team, freeing staff to focus on day-to-day operations while building your brand reputation as a responsive and customer-service-oriented company.

Learn More About Live Chat with Conversion Logix

Conversion Logix®, LLC provides senior living leaders with a comprehensive suite of marketing software and services that enable communities to capture, connect, and convert prospects throughout their customer journey. We advise, plan, and execute digital marketing strategies to help communities maximize ROI. Our suite of software and services allows teams to easily integrate with common CRM applications and scale lead generation across multiple properties. 

Our team of Live Chat specialists has years of experience serving the senior living industry and offers 24/7 sales and customer support. To learn more about how our live chat team helps communities reach their occupancy goals, schedule a call with us today.

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